Knowledge, Technology, Innovation
Asphalt Maintenance Equipment

Asphalt Hot Boxes
If you have blacktop, you have potholes! Stepp Manufacturing has all the equipment for your pothole patching needs, including Hot Box Trailers, Slip-in Hot Boxes, Patch Trucks, and Asphalt Recyclers.

Crack Sealing Trailers
Stepp Mfg has always been an industry leader in technology with crack sealing equipment. We continue to be the number one choice with our new OJK-H and OJK-V line of crack sealers.

Mastic Patchers
Stepp Mfg has always been an industry leader in technology with mastic patching equipment. We continue to bring options that bring productivity, safety and value.

Asphalt Recyclers
Asphalt Recyclers that produce quality, on the road pothole patching solutions 24-7, 365 days a year for under $20.00 per ton. Our indirect heating system and pugmil style mixers deliver the highest quality material on the market!

Asphalt Distributors
Whether you are in need of a small tack trailer, a gravity discharge AC crack filler, or a full-fledged trailer distributor with an 8′ or 12′ spray bar, we have you covered. Our oil distributor line includes four different models to choose …

Used Equipment
Check out our current inventory of quality Stepp equipment, or call us to check availability.
Solving Problems, Addressing Needs
At Stepp Manufacturing, our engineers produce equipment that is known in the industry for its durability, reliability and functionality. Read more
Since our beginning in 1942, our family owned operation has always produced equipment specific to your needs. Read more
We use high quality material, innovative engineering, and quality personnel to match your needs as they grow. Read more
Knowledge – Technology – Innovation
Next Previous Testimonials
The Stepp STRD 1000 is a solid trailer-mounted distributor with all the benefits of a full size truck mounted unit. The Viking pump ensures a uniform emulsion spray pattern without clogging.Doug Truluck, Truluck Roadway Services, LLC
The City purchased the Stepp Mfg. model STPH 4.0 asphalt hot box on a hook mount a couple of years ago. Prior to this we used a dump truck to haul our hot mix asphalt. The asphalt plant is 30 to 45 minutes from us and we constantly had problems with the hot mix cooling down and starting to set up before we could use it. Since purchasing the hot box we can keep the mix at the correct temperature all day long and this allows the crews to make a top quality repair. You can load asphalt the day before or the morning of the repairs and the last patch looks as good as the first. It requires very little maintenance, is easy to clean and is user friendly. We included the anti-bridging mixer option on our unit and we do recommend getting that option because it saves time and manual effort. In my opinion the Stepp Mfg. hot box has been one of the best purchases the City has made.Bryan Garrett, City of Roxboro
We are using the asphalt patch trailer every day that we can go out and pothole! So far everything is working out very well. We have had the Stepp hot patch trailer for over a year now and it has been a huge improvement from the last trailer. With the oil heating the product we don't get any more hot spots. Service has been great and they have been very helpful if we are out in the field with questions or bringing it to them for the end of the year check up! Will definitely be going back to them when another kettle is wanted.City of Buffalo MN