Mastic Patchers
Available in 250 and 400 Gallon Size
Stepp’s SMP Mastic Patchers are designed to heat and apply mastic patch materials for crack filling, bridge deck transitions and deteriorated asphalt and concrete roadways.
They are to be equipped with diesel heating systems with automatic temperature controls, and hydraulically powered heated placing augers. Higher temp oil jackets coupled with the double knuckle auger placing system outworks and outperforms the competition.
SMP Stepp Mastic Patcher
Stepp Mfg’s SMP 400 Mastic Patcher features 600-degree heat transfer oil - the hottest and fastest on the market. The optional “double knuckle” placement auger allows for direct placement in the repair area, making this the most innovative, safe and productive mastic machine in the industry. Read more
At Stepp Manufacturing our vision is to be a world class company and the leading supplier of road maintenance equipment.